
Showing posts from January, 2018

Back to work and back in the swing of things...

Hooooraaaaayyyyy!!! Am I allowed to say that? Don't get me wrong, I adore my children, but jeez louise I have been looking forward to this for months (since approximately the time I realised my second born was a turbo-powered, crawling, shouting, destroying machine that thinks sleep is for losers). Of course I was apprehensive about nursery and how the morning routine would go, and whether I would feel that pang of guilt at leaving my 'beloved baby' in the care of relative strangers. I didn't sleep all that well on Monday night, and was up before my alarm. I think I was mentally running through the chain of events all night, preventing myself from entering anything that resembled proper sleep. But the first morning went suspiciously well... My toddler was dubiously cooperative, eating all her breakfast and getting herself dressed. The baby slept through (NEVER HAPPENS) and woke up just in time for me to get myself and toddler fed and dressed... spooky. Then he proceeded